Before the mid - term exam.

Before the mid-term exam, I have to exam the 2 subjects are the English II and world civilization. First, I have to exam the world civilization, this subject is about the civilization each of period of time such as Indian civilization that I studied is about King Ashoka who conqueror include the whole Indian peninsula except the Southern tip. Chinese civilization about the golden age of Chinese philosophy, Chinese philosophy was found 4 items are Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, and Mandate of Heaven. Confucianism is about the ethical knowledge, conservative and social responsibility. Taoism is the road or way that abandonment of ambition and reject of honors & responsibility. Legalism is about reorganize society to strengthen of country by force. Mandate of heaven is about a king ruled as the deputy of heaven. Greek civilization concern about the humanity is the idea that believed in the ability of human being. Roman civilization, in that time, Rome people were divided into 2 classed are Patricians is the upper class and wealthy people, Plebeian is lower class, farmers, laborers and artisans. This period emphasized these things. The all of this, I have to find out the more information for the mid – term exam that I have to read the many book and try to understanding about each of period. I didn’t liked to read the many book because I lazy. I thought this subject really hard to do the exam because I have to remember about the detail of each period and I’m forgetful. So, I fear to forget the detail of this subject but I have to try to do the exam by well. Second, I have to exam the English II. I often to fear the English II because the last time that I used to studied this subject I fail the mid – term exam. So, I think, I have to study hard in the before mid – term exam. English II that I studied is about the text. Text that I studied are have 4 text to the mid – term exam. Each of text that I studied, some text is really hard and I often to asked with A. Jasper and some text are I understanding by without to ask with A. My friends and I often to review the text before the English II classed because A. Jaspre often to asked us and sometime, I can to answer is good for me but sometime, I can not to answer and I fear the surrounding in class look at me. So, I try to review every time that I finished the English II classed with my friends to introduced me about the text because some text, I didn’t know about the all of text yet. Before the English II has the mid – term exam, I will to attention the all of the texts of the English II and I hope that I will pass the mid – term exam and not fail again like the last time that I studied the English II. If I can to do it.


Jasper said...

Font type is way too big. Sue font size 11 or 12. Not font size large.

Jasper said...

Yes, I'd liked all the questions you asked. It shows that you are working on it and that you pay attention. Good luck!