Father's Day

Father’s day in Thailand is on 5 December in every year. This day is the King’s birth day and celebration for his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei. Father’s day began since on 5th December 2523 created by the volunteer group who show the faithful to the king and have the purpose to appreciate the his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei and in one’s identity as father of the nation. His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei is father of the nation that Thai people respect to honor and His Majesty’s graciousness. So, the most of Thai people love the king and wish the king to long live and the symbol of father's day is"Phutthraksa" (name of flower) like this.

The objective to establish the King’s birth day or father’s day.
1. Appreciate his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei.
2. Appreciate the grateful of father and honor the role of father for the family and society.
3. For the children to show the thankfulness for the father.
4. For the father who realize in his role and the responsibility of himself.

On 5 December, except the King’s birth day or father’s day also to be the nation day too. So, the nation day in Thailand, It’s not to has the value because the most of Thai people will to do the activities that to show the honor for the His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei more than every thing. If Thai people recognize the nation day like the King’s birth day, this day will more important for Thailand.

Do you know? Why Thai people love the king.
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei did the many royal activities for Thai people such as
- Education
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei recognize about to develop the education of juvenile is base on the nation. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadei to establish the foundation and to give the royal teasure of belonging His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei for support about the Thai education for the juvenile to study the rise of knowledge in the each of country by haven’t the condition. In order to, take the knowledge that juvenile study and come back to develop the nation to advance in the future of Thailand.
- Relationship with the foreign.
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei goes to visit many countries. In Asia, Europe and North American for to progress the friendly relations between Thailand and each of country that Thailand had the good relationship to closely the relationship. His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei takes the good desire of Thai people with each of country that makes Thailand to well – know. It’s the good point and has the useful for Thailand.
- Health
Every time that His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei goes to visit the Thai people in each of province that His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei takes the physician group to goes with him too because this group is the volunteer to go and already to cure the patient at the rural areas in many province that him visit the Thai people.

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