New Semester

In the first week of my new semester. I went to Abac in the first day to changed
section English II because I failed the English II. I got "WP". So, I have to
changed it. When I changed it already, it's too late to came in classed. I
decided to didn't came to studied and I didn't studied any subjects in the first
day of my new semester and I didn't studied any subjects in the first week of my new semester except English II because I scared to fail English II again.

In the second week.On Monday, I came to Abac at late in the morning to studied English II and when I finishied this subject, I hurried went to the other classed because this classed was continued. I studied this subject until 2.00 p.m. It took about 1.30 hours. When I finishied this classed, I had breakfast in the afternoon. I waited for a long time to studied the law classed in the late afternoon. This classed was started at 15.30 p.m. I felt sleepy because I didn't liked to studied in the evening but I must to studied because this subject have 4 credits. It important for mw grade. So, I must to attended to studied and this classed finishied at 19.30 p.m. It took about 4 hours. I bored, I tried. Before this classed finishied my teacher told the ghost story in the elevator at Abac and my teacher told the storey that ours studied had the person who suicide in this buliding and this storey that I studied. I felt scary because I must to came to home along but my friends walk with me to send me to my car. I arrived at home 8.25 p.m. While I drove the car, I always to look around me. I scared to see something that I didn't wanted to see.

On Tuesday, I had to studied the 3 subjects again and this day I must to came home late again. In my first subject in this day, I studied the English II. In my classed, I studied with my friends and in class had the text to read it and did it. I studied the text had many thing that I didn't understand but I always to asked my teacher. So, I try to understand. In the afternoon, I had lunch and waited for a long time to studied the law classed in the afternoon and in the evening. I studied the last classed finishied at 19.30 p.m. and I arrived at my home about 8.00 p.m.

On Wednesday,Today I studied in the early morning. I felt sleepy and I selpt in classed but my teacher didn't looked at me. I slept until finishied. When this classed finishied, I went to Q buliding to saw my grade but when I arrived in the buliding. I wsa surprised because it had many people to saw their grads. I told my friend that waited for abated of people. In the long time was too much. So, my friends ran to inserted to look our grades. My friend told me that I passed every subjects in law but my English II was failed. I was glad to passed it and my friend passed it too.

On Thursday, I studied for 1 subject is English II. When I finishied it, I came to Abac "Bang Na" to edit my grad of the ethic subject. It not credit but I failed in the last semester.When I arrived it. I could not to edit. So, I wasted time to went there and I hurried tocame at home and on Friday I haven't classed to studied.

I thought, This semester I must to studied hard for the final exam and I have to attended the English II to pass it, I didn't wanted to failed English II again.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

I am sure if you work hard you will pass EN II this semester. One remark here:
Please change all links to Thai links Chanattra.
