Before the mid - term exam.

Before the mid-term exam, I have to exam the 2 subjects are the English II and world civilization. First, I have to exam the world civilization, this subject is about the civilization each of period of time such as Indian civilization that I studied is about King Ashoka who conqueror include the whole Indian peninsula except the Southern tip. Chinese civilization about the golden age of Chinese philosophy, Chinese philosophy was found 4 items are Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, and Mandate of Heaven. Confucianism is about the ethical knowledge, conservative and social responsibility. Taoism is the road or way that abandonment of ambition and reject of honors & responsibility. Legalism is about reorganize society to strengthen of country by force. Mandate of heaven is about a king ruled as the deputy of heaven. Greek civilization concern about the humanity is the idea that believed in the ability of human being. Roman civilization, in that time, Rome people were divided into 2 classed are Patricians is the upper class and wealthy people, Plebeian is lower class, farmers, laborers and artisans. This period emphasized these things. The all of this, I have to find out the more information for the mid – term exam that I have to read the many book and try to understanding about each of period. I didn’t liked to read the many book because I lazy. I thought this subject really hard to do the exam because I have to remember about the detail of each period and I’m forgetful. So, I fear to forget the detail of this subject but I have to try to do the exam by well. Second, I have to exam the English II. I often to fear the English II because the last time that I used to studied this subject I fail the mid – term exam. So, I think, I have to study hard in the before mid – term exam. English II that I studied is about the text. Text that I studied are have 4 text to the mid – term exam. Each of text that I studied, some text is really hard and I often to asked with A. Jasper and some text are I understanding by without to ask with A. My friends and I often to review the text before the English II classed because A. Jaspre often to asked us and sometime, I can to answer is good for me but sometime, I can not to answer and I fear the surrounding in class look at me. So, I try to review every time that I finished the English II classed with my friends to introduced me about the text because some text, I didn’t know about the all of text yet. Before the English II has the mid – term exam, I will to attention the all of the texts of the English II and I hope that I will pass the mid – term exam and not fail again like the last time that I studied the English II. If I can to do it.

Father's Day

Father’s day in Thailand is on 5 December in every year. This day is the King’s birth day and celebration for his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei. Father’s day began since on 5th December 2523 created by the volunteer group who show the faithful to the king and have the purpose to appreciate the his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei and in one’s identity as father of the nation. His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei is father of the nation that Thai people respect to honor and His Majesty’s graciousness. So, the most of Thai people love the king and wish the king to long live and the symbol of father's day is"Phutthraksa" (name of flower) like this.

The objective to establish the King’s birth day or father’s day.
1. Appreciate his Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei.
2. Appreciate the grateful of father and honor the role of father for the family and society.
3. For the children to show the thankfulness for the father.
4. For the father who realize in his role and the responsibility of himself.

On 5 December, except the King’s birth day or father’s day also to be the nation day too. So, the nation day in Thailand, It’s not to has the value because the most of Thai people will to do the activities that to show the honor for the His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei more than every thing. If Thai people recognize the nation day like the King’s birth day, this day will more important for Thailand.

Do you know? Why Thai people love the king.
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei did the many royal activities for Thai people such as
- Education
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei recognize about to develop the education of juvenile is base on the nation. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadei to establish the foundation and to give the royal teasure of belonging His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei for support about the Thai education for the juvenile to study the rise of knowledge in the each of country by haven’t the condition. In order to, take the knowledge that juvenile study and come back to develop the nation to advance in the future of Thailand.
- Relationship with the foreign.
His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei goes to visit many countries. In Asia, Europe and North American for to progress the friendly relations between Thailand and each of country that Thailand had the good relationship to closely the relationship. His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei takes the good desire of Thai people with each of country that makes Thailand to well – know. It’s the good point and has the useful for Thailand.
- Health
Every time that His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei goes to visit the Thai people in each of province that His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadei takes the physician group to goes with him too because this group is the volunteer to go and already to cure the patient at the rural areas in many province that him visit the Thai people.

In Weekend

My weekend in this week, On Saturday, in the morning I woke up at 7.00a.m. Today I had law classed to studied, I didn’t want to go to ABAC on Saturday but the last night I called to my friends and asked about to go to ABAC on Saturday and my friend suggested me that we should to go to because we never come to ABAC on Saturday for study the law class since the begin of new semester and some friends that studied the law classed on Saturday already told me that if you absent more than 3 times, you will to deprive someone of a right for the final exam. In the truth, I didn’t believe that and I didn’t fear to deprive someone of a right because I used to absent in another law classed more than limit but I can to exam in the final exam. Case of I came to study the law classed on Saturday because I never know about the detail of this law subject. So, I came to ABAC on Saturday for studied the law classed. When I woke up in the morning, I felt sleepy. I didn’t want to go to ABAC but I promise with my friends that I will come. So, I took a shower and dressed up. Before I came out of my home, one of my friend called to me and told me that she headache and don’t come to ABAC for today. When, I heard that I confused because she told me that we should to go to ABAC but she will not come with me. So, I talked to her that why you say that because the last night you told me, you will go with me but today you didn’t go. It’s unreasonable. I forced her, you will come with me and I will drive my car to take her to ABAC. So, she will come to ABAC with me to study the law classed. Suddenly, another friend called with me and told me that she will come with me and take her to ABAC too. When I took my friends was already. I arrived at ABAC about 9.00a.m. And this classed was begun at 9.00a.m. My friends and I came to class, my friends and I was quit because this classed had only 3 student in classed and had 1 teacher in classed. Teacher begin to explain about the holiday that ABAC closed on December and teacher told a few student in classed that today we must to reimburse about study in this subject because of time to study in this subject was lack and not enough to teach students because this subject had many detail to teach. So, Today I have to study in this subject in the late morning until in the afternoon. I accepted this because I will not come to this classed every on Saturday. When the teacher teach, I didn’t know about teacher teach because I never come in class. So, my friends and I talked about the after classed that we should to go somewhere. Each of friends had many idea and many places to go after classed but we can’t to decide to go to. When, the law class finished. My friends and I had lunch and will decide to go to somewhere and we include was we will go to JJ market. I thought, JJ market had many people and the car park was full already. So, I came the one of department store which near the JJ market and we go to JJ market by taxi.

When I arrived JJ market, I happy because of I want to buy many thing. Before, I shopping, my friend had appointment with another friend. So, I waited for her friend. When her friend arrived, my friends and I go to buy whatever that I want. My friends and I bought many things. I liked many things at JJ market but I can not to buy every thing because I must to limit my money. I liked surrounding around the JJ market because it had many people and foreigner to go to JJ market. I thought many people made me excited. I spend a long time at JJ market. It took about 3-4 hours. So, I hurried to come to home because my father told me which he will bring me and my family to go out for the dinner. When I came at home, my family waited for me to go out and I apologize with my family that I came late. My family and I usually go out to have dinner together. When, my family and I arrived at home. I hurried to take a shower and go to sleep because this day made me tried all the day.

surrounding at JJ market