My free time.

Popeye a sailor man,This is my favorite cartoon.

Last night, I sat in the house and watched the television. It a time for cartoon Popeye show. Popeye is my favorite cartoon. Popeye is a sailor man he has girlfriend name Olive. Popeye has enemy name Pluto. Pluto always tried to beat Popeye but he cant because after Popeye ate spinach he get stronger and beat Pluto. Popeye has a lot of parts. The parts I watched last night it about why Pluto can't beat Popeye? in the first story, Pluto pretend to a patient in hospital and sent the letter to Popeye “I’m going to die” Popeye went to met him at hospital and Pluto want Popeye stop ate spinach and Popeye did it after that Pluto tried to killed Popeye but Pluto cant did it because Popeye has a lot spinach. Popeye ate the spinach and kicked Pluto out of the hospital. In the second story, Pluto think about he lose Popeye because Popeye ate spinach so he must destroy the whole spinach in the town. Pluto made a poison chemical and started pushed it in a farm, supermarket and in the transport spinach truck. After Pluto destroy all spinach in the town. He tried to beat Popeye. Popeye ran into supermarket and ate lettuce but it not work so Popeye getting die and Popeye don’t have spinach. I think it the end of Popeye but not so long one kid in the theater sent spinach to Popeye. I can’t believe it but the kid said “uncle Popeye this spinach” then, Popeye ate the spinach he fought with Pluto. Finally, Pluto loses to Popeye again. The Popeye cartoon always finished by Pluto loses to Popeye. The Popeye cartoon want the kid eat spinach and let the kid know about how good is spinach? I’m Popeye a sailor man, I’m Popeye a sailor. It’s a Popeye song. He always sang this song after he beat Pluto.

When, I finishied to saw this cartoon. I liked it because it made me fun. I love Popeye because Popeye is brave for his girlfriend who name is Olive to protect her from Pluto who enemy's Popeye.

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